August 27

Facilitating Biodanza from Universal Energy

Dancing and living from a neutral position 

Facilitating Biodanza from universal energy and a neutral position is the foundation that should underlie every vivencia, in my view.

However, all Biodanza teachers are people with their own growth processes, and that is completely fine as it is. Every teacher attracts exactly those people who fit into his or her process at that moment.


Dancing is a complementary necessity of life. It nourishes the mind, body, and system, causing energy to flow.

Well-known international Biodanza teacher

This morning, I opened a page about a Biodanza week previously offered by a well-known international teacher. Immediately, it hurt my heart so much that I was shocked.

I was baffled. The pain was very intense. I thought, should I now fear for my heart?

I shut down my computer and went back to bed. I lay down, and the pain in my chest and throat went away.

I am used to particular information that comes in at all kinds of levels and how I should deal with it. However, the intensity of my physical experience was striking this time, causing me to be shocked and disturbed initially.

After I had rested for a while, I wanted to write to clarify it. I crawled back to my computer because the pain and unpleasant feeling had disappeared.

YesPower Dance Dancing and living from a neutral position

Grow in Awareness

Then things got interesting!

If I thought about opening the information or page that had caused the pain that morning, the pain rushed back into my heart and throat.

And really… then my heart hurt so much again!!! It was simply bizarre, and I wanted to investigate what this was about.

  • What needed to be clarified, and should I learn from this?
  • What made this happen at this time?

The questions to be asked were:

  • What needs to be clarified so that light is shed on the matter and that the highest good is fully served?
  • What is the heart of the matter?

The internationally renowned Biodanza teacher withdraws a lot of energy from the participants for own gain, and this is never the intention, even though this happens on an unconscious level.

Clearing energy with the Yes Symbol

3 Facts at a glance

  • Fact 1: The information on the page I was thinking of was about a week that facilitated international exposure in the field of Biodanza.
  • Fact 2: Every time I thought about the information again, my heart would hurt intensely and this had a signaling function.
  • Fact 3: I was informed that, in this case, the facilitation didn't take place from a clear and clean position.

Growing in awareness of Biodanza teachers

Growing awareness of Biodanza teachers

The interesting thing is that now is apparently the right time for this topic to become visible, and I have a role to play in making it visible and deepening the next level of awareness among Biodanza teachers worldwide.

  • The core message is that it is the right time for Biodanza facilitators to grow their awareness and knowledge about using universal energy. Awareness development is necessary about how energy flows between themselves and others.

Let's make this energy layer known and visible to the Biodanza teachers so that they are (even more) able to serve themselves, their dancers, and the highest good.

YesPower Dance in-depth days, in-depth weekends, and in-depth weeks

YesPower Dance in-depth days, in-depth weekends, and in-depth weeks

Deepening awareness of Biodanza teachers

In other words, do you also want to dance and learn to facilitate from a clear and pure position using universal energy?

Participate in YesPower Dance in-depth days, in-depth weekends, and in-depth weeks in the Netherlands and/or abroad. This is your opportunity to learn how, as a Biodanza facilitator, you can use universal and clean energy to facilitate your activities, leading to a more fulfilling and impactful practice.


barefoot dance, biodanza, biodanza teachers, consciousness development, fun, in-depth days, in-depth week, in-depth weekend, vivencia

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