The big difference between Biodanza and YesPower Dance is
- At YesPower Dance, your base is completely central. From your strengthened own core, you make contact with other dancers.
- Biodanza, you are more focused on reaching out to others.
The Power of Yes and Dancing
What is central to YesPower Dance? Each time, the following movements are central:
- A positive and safe foundation from a clear and high vibration.
- The power of saying Yes to what gives you energy.
- Moving with the energy of what IS so that stagnant energy becomes liquid.
- Playing and enjoying intensely in a way that suits you.
- Growing further and further in your development process.
First strengthen your foundation and from this position reach out to the other.
We start by placing yourself at the center with YesPower Dance. From this position, you can enhance your connections with others, intensifying your interactions and mutual growth. Just like the lemniscate, the infinity sign, YesPower Dance is a continuous, ever-deepening movement.
You can still follow many therapies, dance, tantra, and practice yoga. However, as long as you are filling the gaps in yourself with the energy of others, you will never feel completely in harmony and joy.
Feeling safe
Let's take safety as an example. While dancing, I come into contact with people who have been sexually abused. These people are young and old, men and women from all social strata. The subject of sexual abuse is still taboo and shameful. Sexual abuse in men is an even more fraught topic than in women.
Parental sexual abuse
Also, when parents have been sexually abused. People have passed fifty years, and perhaps you don't even know that this played out with your parents. While you have always experienced an uncanny feeling that there was something, you could not put your finger on.
The result of sexual abuse among parents and what you experience as a child has often never been properly processed. It stays in your DNA when you don't do anything about it.
What's interesting is to see a natural movement of reaching out to other people. People want to feel safe and seen. However... this is going to fail. Only when you feel secure within yourself is it possible to feel safe on all levels.
The relationship with yourself centrally
What makes us at YesPower Dance first focus on ourselves is that your relationship with yourself determines everything in your life. Only if your relationship with yourself is good can you intensely enjoy what is there.
The 9 ways to dance
Dancing with shoes
When dancing, you wear shoes. Dancing with or without shoes may seem insignificant. Yet it gives an entirely different experience whether you dance on shoes or barefoot.
Barefoot dancing
You dance barefoot. Dancing barefoot strengthens your grounding and gives you more sense of freedom.
Dance styles
Je practices a particular dance style. Initially, you copy what is occurring to you. Then, from this base, you add improvisations.
Dancing with steps
The various steps are central to the base of many dance styles, such as Tango and Salsa. First, you are presented with something from the bottom and copy the floor. Then, from the ground up, you add improvisations.
Dancing without steps
When dancing without steps, improvisation is central instead of the different steps. YesPower Dance and Biodanza are dance styles without steps.
Symbolic dancing
During an exercise, you get instructions to dance with a particular theme. You hear the command, and your system is activated. You dance with the symbolism of what it's all about for you. Without watching how you dance or others dance. You symbolically dance with the energy of what is there at that moment.
You dance without exercise when it suits you.
Dancing from themes and exercises
For example, you dance during a workshop on exercises to deepen.
Creating the dance from music
The moment the music turns on as a result, you perceive the energy of the music. Whether or not you dance from an exercise doesn't matter to you. On a subconscious level, your system takes the assignment into the dance.
If you tune in to the music, then you dance to the music with complete dedication. Whoever or whatever thinks or does, it does not interest you. You are one with the music. No matter how intensive the piece of music is. It gives you the energy to dance this way.
People not only see it in you, but also you radiate from the inside. You're brimming with energy. It's palpable. You become soft and cuddly while your strength increases visibly. This feeling is heaven on earth. That's how I experience it ;-)).
I am grateful to guide the participants of YesPower Dance events to this way of dancing. The depth of this way of dancing is unprecedented. It is pure and potent without fuss.
If you can't feel
A few days ago someone asked something like that's nice, but if you can't feel like me. How does it work for me?
Everyone has their way of dancing. You can't force things. What you can do is learn to discover what works for you.
Visuall, kinesthetic or auditory
There are three ways of thinking, visual, kinesthetic, and auditory. All three methods have different characteristics. You can use this in your dance if you know which elements belong to you.
As I write this, the word safety immediately comes up. Interesting... I can mention more about this.
Do it your way
Throughout your life, many beliefs have been locked into your system. It's about daring to allow yourself that whatever you've been told in your life, you choose to live the way that is your most significant contribution. You will only get the most energy and joy when you start doing things your way. So you create a safe foundation for yourself.
The meaning of visual, kinesthetic, or auditory
Visually if you look, you mainly see images. Because of this, body language is an essential means of communication. You pay attention to the facial expressions, postures, and movements. You see all kinds of details. You talk fast and often look up when someone asks a question. In your language, you usually use words that endorse your way of thinking as I see it that way.
Kinesthetic is when you are focused on feeling. In communication, you use, for example, the word feels often. You like to touch people. When someone asks you something, you look down because you take a moment to feel what the question does to you. And your own space is essential to you.
Sounds are critical to you. How loud or soft someone talks. Is the person understandable or not? It's the tone that makes the music in every way. When someone asks a question, you look to the side. You can hear the sound that accompanies your answer.
Amazingly, if you train awareness, all aspects increase in intensity.
Playful dancing
Back to the question. If you can't feel it, how am I going to dance? Be kind to yourself. Keep it light and have fun.
Give yourself the space to discover what works for you. Dance playfully and learn how it playfully works for you. Choose an event that fits best for the moment. We love it to dance with you.
Ask your questions beforehand by or call us at +31658016605. We like it to hear from you.
Step out of your comfort zone and Dance your Yes Power 😉
Carla Broekhuizen
YesPower Dance
p.s. Additionally, do you want to know more about the Yes Symbol look her for more information.